
This page is dedicated to the species, and subspecies of Vivarium



Long, long ago, the different species of Salore came from one common ancestor. Over thousands of years, they split up into their own lineages which further split into different subspecies. These species may produce offspring, but these offsprings are not fertile.


These are the most common species in Salore, managing to spread all over the world like rabbits. While mostly unremarkable, their steadfast determination has lead them to be hardy explorers and pioneers.

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Hill Dwarf

Spreading across the hills of Salore, these critters are nocturnal and live in large burrowers in which they dig themselves. Inside these burrowers is where they build their towns, entire houses beneath the soil and weaving together through passageways. Hill Dwarves are known builders, excelling in carpentry and infrastructure. These are the most common type of dwarf, and the ones found in the Vivarium City. They have poor eyesight in the day, often leading them to wear specalized sunglasses that dim down the light from the sun. They also have long whiskers that allow them to sense their environment.

They are covered in fur that have the whole spectrum of earthly tones(Browns, Greys, etc). Their skin also consists of all human skin-tones.
They stand around 4-5ft.

Fun Facts:

Halfling Dwarf

These creatures live above ground in plains of Salore, being the only dwarven species that does so. Therefore, they have developed better daytime sight and are more awake during the daylight hours. They have shorter claws then their cousins, but their fingers are incredibly nimble. They have a known reputation of being thieves or getting into places they shouldn't.

Their fur is shorter and less than other Dwarves, they also tend to lean on the warmer earth tones. Their skin also consists of all human skin-tones.
They stand around 2-3ft.

Fun Facts:

Cave Dwarf

Deep in the caverns where even Hill Dwarves don't venture. A species grew out of the darkness. These creatures spend their days mining the earth, carving out massive cities and hoarding any treasures they find. These dawrves are most common in the mining towns of Vivarium, tending to run the operations down there for a fee from the city. They are much more inclined to pick up smithing than the other dwarves. They also have the weakest eyesight, many being completely blind.

They tend to be of the cooler earth tones with their fur, however albinism runs frequently through their society. They are known for pale skin.
They stand around 4-5ft.

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Forest Elves

These quick-footed folks run the forests with an ironfists. They have the best hearing out of all the species, a blessing and a curse in the noisy city of Vivarium. This species likes to make towns in the depths of the wilds to protect their well farmed crops and/or animals. They come from a carnivorous ancestor, leading to them having larger canines than the other species, and a favor towards well cooked meat; but they are still omnivores. They take great care of their manes, seeing as a sign of good health and beauty. These fellas are most likely found in the farming towns around Vivarium, but also populate the main city.

Their manes and skin can come in all earthly colors. Their hands and feet are often darker than the rest of their body.
They stand around 5-6ft.

Fun Facts:

Gnome Elf

These tiny fellas also populate the edges of the forests, sharing space with forest elves. They are known to indulge in elaborate parties with wine and glorious feasts. They are also partake in the high society of Vivarium, many famous Gnomes owning popular businesses inside the city. These creatures are also known to be skilled jumpers, being able to clear up to 5 feet in a vertical leap.

They share the similar colors to Forest Elves.
They stand around 3'5-4'5ft.

Fun Facts:

High Elf

The primadonnas of the world. These are the most colorful bunch of Salore with their unnatural fur and patterns. They popped in the distant rainforests of Salore, being able to navigate through them with ease. They tend to be rare in Vivarium, unable to be found expect the few who made it to a rich and wealthy status, flaunting their wealth in their outfits and dealings in the politics of the city.

They have patches of fur around their body that can be any color from the rainbow, in these patches there can be vibrant patterns. These colors blend into the mane and tail. Their skin color can be any human skin tone.
They stand around 5'5-6'5ft.

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Standard Orc

Suspected to be closer related to elves, these fellas reside in forests, plains, or swamplands. Their fur often sticks up and it's hard to control. They are known for creating large scrap metal contraptions and are industrially inclined. They were the first to discover magic, however, their numbers have fallen in Vivarium as humans tend to overpopulate the city. They take up the main population in the skyports however, working on the airships. They take great pride in their tusks, using decorum to make them appear more fancy. This decorum has spread over to piercings and even using prefumes! The use of prefumes or nice scents is very popular amongst the Orc population.

They are the only species with unhuman skintones, ranging from greens to oranges (human skintones can be as well). They also often have patterns to their skin such as splotches or faint stripes.
They stand around 5-6ft.

Fun Facts:

Goblin Orc

These often live in the deserts, using their technology to survive the harsh climate. They often take part in the groups of Scavengers in the Vitric Expanse, not really daring to go into Vivarium unless on a mission. They are often are labelled as a nusiance by the general populace.

They share same colors as Orcs, however often lighter.
They stand around 2-3ft.

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