
This section is dedicated to a map, listing features of areas, and painting a picture of what the world looks like.
Note: Maps you see are made using Inkarnate, and only serve as a rough idea of the area.

Full Map
Main Map


"A world hidden inside of a desert, mountains risen from the impact of an asteriod, Vivarium is paradise."
Vivarium is hundreds of miles away from other civilizations, being discovered purely by accident through a band of travelers trying to cross The Vitric Expanse to find the other side. To their suprise, they found a whole world being fed by a massive lake sprung from underground aquifiers and rivers; protected by the walls of a crater caused by the impact of an Asteriod crashing into Salore thousands of years ago. The land, and following city, was dubbed Vivarium.
Over time, the land was transformed to be more suited for life, especially when magic was discovered.

The year is now 402 A.V (After Vivarium).

Full Map

Main City: Where the densiest population is, aka and most of the city for that matter. Scroll down for more information.

Skyport: This is a massive tower structure off to the west of the main city. It acts like a dock for the airships transporting people or goods. Ships fly down to park themselves around the plenty offshoots based around the main spire. The airships only land on the ground if they need repairs, so below the spire are air mechanic shops, and housing units. No airships, unless approved by the city, are allowed to fly over the main city.
Note: Located around the outer edge of the crater are massive lighthouses that help guide ships down into the crater. They also serve to control the weather if needed.

Fields: All along the land outside of the main city, farms and all means of agriculture has cropped up, including those who farm the vital plants for magic. Fields in the north is the biggest farming center in Vivarium. A higher population of Elves and Humans are located here, taking care of the farmland and their small rural towns. Supplies from the farms are shipped to Fields to be transported over the bridge into the Main City. A large matter of windmills, solar panels, and watermills are also located up north.

Mines: Almost entirely controlled by Dwarves, the Mines is a collection of, well, mines. Any thing of value (gems, alchemist materials, building materials, etc) are unearthed and shipped off to the main city. Underground towns have cropped up in the dark and are often a place for criminal activites to gather, leading to a reputation of dwarves being crime lords.

Necropolis: Quite a grime sight. Every city needs a place to put their dead. If you weren't rich enough to pay for a spot inside the city, your body was shipped off to the south to be buried with a simple headstone amongst the rows, and rows, and rows of many many others. Some smaller towns are located nearby, mostly made up by those who help keep the Necropolis in order- or they were workers in nearby lumber mills. Several large prisons are located nearby as well.

Outside: Outside the crater entirely is the Vitric Expanse, and further beyond that is the sea or other distant civilizations. Only the insane would call the dunes home, however roaming packs of lawless Scavengers love to hide out. Often these groups would target incoming airships, either having one themselves to do arial combat, or shooting them down; either way, they are after supplies, or anything valuable to sell.

Main City

Citadel: The biggest building in all of Vivarium, it's a ring of buildings tightly packed together, almost considering to be one; a massive tower stands tall in the center of it all. It's the hub for the Alchemist guild, and the Government. Inside are a plethora of offices, workshops, alchemist guild owned greenhouses, and even a prestgious academy on the ground floors. This academy centers around providing the world with new alchemists, glassworkers, inventors, anything relating to the field of magic. It's also incredibly hard to get into.

This building is also located where the asteroid hit the earth, a mining expedition is happening in the off-limits lower regions of the building. However, that's not the only expedition happening down there..
A few places of interest:

Ardglass: This is the region surrounding the Citadel but staying in the inner walls that seperate the Citadel from the rest of the city. Considered the old town district of the city, the place is often the favorite amongst tourists. Known for it's scenic buildings, water fountains, museums and delicious bakeries. Since they are so close to the Citadel, they do not have their own government buildings.
A few places of interest:
The Duldrums: Also known as Duldrum, this is the industrial district of the city. Even if the city tries it's best to use green energy as much as it can, stacks of smoke still rise from the many facilities in the district. This is also the place where many inventor workshops are located, (mostly near the Citadel wall rather than the lake).
A few places of interest:
Mirstone: This is the Market district. Known for it's massive market, banks, and delightful places to eat. There is much upkeep to keep the district looking nice due to all the foot-traffice it gets, which also means it's one of the busiest places in the city. People flock there every day to see what they could buy as they could buy practically anything they would ever need.
A few places of interest:
Hythe: The entertainment sector of Vivarium. Once many are done shopping for the day, they travel over to Hythe for it's theaters, clubs, or redlight district. It's often regarded as the most suspicious place, besides Brone. Underground crime rings like to run amuck in the alleyways, avoiding the guards.
A few places of interest:
Runswick: The religious side of Vivarium, also partly the academic side. This whatever mixture is host to plenty of churches, parks, and other universities that pop up in the large city. Trees grow along the city walkways, and there is more of a stained glass emphasis than anywhere else. Almost made in spite of Hythe, the two sides don't often get along.
A few places of interest:
Fernsworth: The richest side of town! The wealthy come to roost here if they don't live outside of the main city. The area is gated off from the rest of the city. Private parks are abound, and security is increased around these parks. High risk, High reward for any thieves. towards the crater ring, there are some privately own vineries.
A few places of interest:
Easthaven and Mossely: There is little difference between these districts, both are middle class residental areas. Both are equipped with their own Fire and Guard stations. Parks for children are abound, along with lower education schooling. Even some well-known orphanages are known to be located in their areas. Easthaven seem to have a greater precentage of Elves and Dwarves, while Mossely has higher precentage of Orcs and Humans; However, these differences are not by much.
A few places of interest:
Brone: Every city needs its slums. Brone unfortunatly is the poorest district in the Main City. There are efforts to solve the homeless population common in these areas, such as giving out jobs at The Duldrums. However, the workers often don't keep their jobs as the employers often look for ways to get them fired. City guards run around the District like rats, sometimes accompanied by Alchemist Guild members to keep the people in check.
A few places of interest: Back to top